16633 Ventura Blvd, Suite 503 Encino, CA 91436



Who gets the most speeding tickets?

Who do you think gets the most speeding tickets in a given year, if you’re trying to look at a…

READ MORE 04/18/2019

Police claim they stopped driver at 127 miles per hour

Most people break the speed limit. Maybe you go 60 mph when you’re in a 55-mph zone. Maybe you go…

READ MORE 04/04/2019

Court: Police can’t stop you for vulgar hand gestures

According to a recent court ruling, the Constitution protects your right to flip off a police officer, should you choose…

READ MORE 03/21/2019

What if you’re not sure a police officer is really…

A man pulls up beside you on the highway and tells you to pull over, motioning out the window. You…

READ MORE 03/07/2019

Are you obligated to have insurance in California?

Car insurance sounds like something that should be your own personal choice, like life insurance. If you want to take…

READ MORE 02/20/2019

Reasons people give for speeding

As soon as the police officer pulls you over for speeding, do you start thinking about what excuse you’re going…

READ MORE 02/08/2019

Popular myths around traffic tickets

Most drivers have a strategy when it comes to traffic tickets. They hope to never need these strategies, but that…

READ MORE 01/28/2019

California ignition interlock device law now in effect

Amid the hubbub of the holidays and the celebration of the new year, the news of a law that took…

READ MORE 01/25/2019

Why can’t you use your phone in the car?

In California, it’s not just texting and driving that is illegal. You’re essentially not allowed to use your phone in…

READ MORE 01/09/2019

Did you know that there are 2 types of speed…

Everyone knows that when you see a speed limit sign, you’re supposed to keep your car traveling below that speed…

READ MORE 12/28/2018

Tips for dealing with police after getting pulled over

A police officer pulls you over and tells you that he or she thinks you were speeding. Let’s not get…

READ MORE 12/13/2018

Top 3 reasons to fight a speeding ticket

Many people believe that once a ticket is issued the best thing to do is pay it. But this is…

READ MORE 11/29/2018

Remember, checkpoints look for more than drunk driving

Police can use DUI checkpoints in California, and they do it in an effort to catch drunk drivers. The checkpoints…

READ MORE 11/28/2018

5 things you may need to do to get your…

You cannot drive on a suspended license. Not having a valid driver’s license really impacts your life, making it harder…

READ MORE 11/16/2018

Study: Hit-and-run accidents growing more common

Hit-and-run accidents have always happened, but recent reports indicate that they are quickly growing more common. One study, which looked…

READ MORE 10/29/2018

Can you always turn right on red?

As you probably know, it is often legal to turn right on a red light. You simply have to stop…

READ MORE 10/19/2018

Can you accelerate before the speed limit sign?

You drive through the same part of town every day. It starts out in a 25-mph zone right near your…

READ MORE 10/05/2018

Too many at-fault car accidents may leave you without a…

Perhaps you were driving over the speed limit, lost control of your vehicle and were involved in a car accident.…

READ MORE 09/21/2018

Why you should put your empty bottles and cans in…

You support recycling and environmental action, so you always take your empty cans and bottles back to turn them in.…

READ MORE 09/20/2018

How you can fight a speeding ticket in California

Being issued a speeding ticket is stressful. Not only are you facing a monetary fine, but also points on your…

READ MORE 09/07/2018

New study finds California drivers third worst in the country

A new study has found that California drivers are the third worst in the United States. The study, conducted by…

READ MORE 08/24/2018

How do I get my driver’s license reinstated?

The ability to drive is a privilege and not a right. This means that you can easily lose that privilege…

READ MORE 08/10/2018

The California traffic violator school program

Being issued a speeding ticket is not the end of the world. The ticket, if one of many on your…

READ MORE 07/27/2018

Consequences of hit-and-runs in California

It’s a beautiful day in Los Angeles. People are out and about, traffic is crazy as usual, and overall there’s…

READ MORE 07/26/2018

Why speeding is so dangerous in California

Speeding is one of the most common infractions on the roads of California, even with all of the congestion. This…

READ MORE 07/13/2018

What should I expect at a DUI checkpoint?

Driving on the roads of California can be very dangerous for even the most experienced drivers. A common problem across…

READ MORE 06/29/2018

How to apply for license reinstatement in California

Having your driver’s license suspended in Encino takes away a lot of your freedom. It can also negatively impact your…

READ MORE 06/14/2018

Digital license plates have come to California

The talk across the country of late has been about digital license plates on all types of motor vehicles. Well,…

READ MORE 06/04/2018

Can I drive home with a partially finished bottle of…

Many Californians like to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. If you and the rest of your party do…

READ MORE 06/01/2018

Penalties and fines that come with California moving violations

We’ve all heard the age-old cliche that driving is a privilege and not a right. This is true, as every…

READ MORE 05/17/2018