Filing for a restricted license
As has been detailed on this blog before, refusing to take a chemical sobriety test or registering a blood alcohol concentration reading of greater than the legal limit for your current situation will likely result in your license being suspended or revoked. Yet like many of those in Encino that we at [nap_names id=\”FIRM-NAME-3\”] – The Law Offices of Amir Soleimanian and Associates, Inc. have worked with in the past, you still may need to travel to work as well as other places. If your public transportation options are limited, is there a way to regain your driving privileges, even if only on a conditional basis?
California law does allow you to apply for a restricted driver’s license, yet only if you meet certain qualifications. According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, these include:
- This current offense being your first.
- Your having completed a chemical test
- The results of that test showing a BAC level of 0.08 or more if you were driving a noncommercial vehicle (0.04 if you were operating a commercial vehicle)
- You being over the age of 21
- You not having had your license revoked for any other reason
You must first wait 30 days to apply for a restricted license. The court will also likely require you to enroll in a DUI prevention course or some other form of treatment course in order to qualify. You must also obtain a form SR-22 from your insurance company in order to prove you meet minimum state coverage standards. Once you have completed these steps, you apply for your restricted license through the DMV.
A restricted license allows you to travel to and from your treatment courses as well as your work. You can discover more information about reclaiming your driving privileges by continuing to explore our site.