Misdemeanors Attorney in Los Angeles, California

While a misdemeanor traffic violation may not seem like much, you could face much more in the way of consequences than if you were just to receive a ticket with a designation as an infraction. A skilled Los Angeles misdemeanor traffic violations attorney (Mr. Ticket) may be able to reduce your potential penalties or may even be able to have the ticket dismissed depending on the situations surrounding the offense.

When you receive a traffic ticket, you could face an infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony. An infraction is one of those violations that only requires you to pay a fine and nothing more. A misdemeanor is a more serious crime with harsher penalties, it is in your best interest to discuss the matter with Mr. Ticket about misdemeanor traffic violations before your scheduled court hearing.

What Penalties Will You Face?

At Law Offices of Amir Soleimanian, we can help explain your charges and what types of penalties you may face. In most misdemeanor cases, you will face penalties of up to six months in jail, up to five years probation, up to five thousand dollars in fines, and the addition of points on your driver’s license. These points on your record will cause your insurance rates to increase, and in some cases, you may even have your driving privileges suspended for a certain length of time. A misdemeanor traffic violation is a serious criminal matter, you have the right to an attorney and trial by jury. If you are found guilty, a misdemeanor charge will go on your criminal record.

While there are certain offenses that carry mandatory minimums when it comes to jail time or loss of your license, most other offenses carry a lot of leeway between a California misdemeanor traffic violations attorney and the judge. If you are facing a traffic violation that is considered to be a misdemeanor offense, Mr. Ticket can help. As an expert in misdemeanor traffic violations in California (State Wide), Mr. Ticket has the experience that you need to help build a defense in your case, to possibly have the charges reduced or maybe even dismissed in their entirety. Call us or send us an email to set up a free consultation.

Value of An Experienced Traffic Ticket Attorney in Court Proceedings

If you are like most people, you are likely unfamiliar with the language and routines involved in traffic court proceedings, then you are at a disadvantage… Learn More

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Traffic violations can range from trivial to severe. Minor offenses are “fix it” tickets and citations for violations that are non-moving. On the more severe end of the spectrum are consequential matters like “hit and run” accidents, especially if someone is killed or injured.

The majority of minor traffic offenses are deemed infractions. They are not considered criminal violations of the law. These types of typically violations involve relatively minor punishments. Usually fines, and/or a point on your driving record. More grave traffic violations may be charged as criminal. Convictions can include penalties like significant fines, restitution, drug/alcohol treatment, revocation of the driver’s license, and incarceration.

There are two types of criminal offenses: misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are the less severe of the two. Any violation that has a maximum of one year or less in the county jail is deemed a misdemeanor. Misdemeanor traffic offenses following California law include both “status” violations, including having illegal vehicle modifications, and moving violations. Here are a few more serious traffic misdemeanors:

  • Failure to stop and submit to law enforcement inspection of equipment, an unsafe condition, or other safety violations;

  • Fleeing from an officer which includes causing an injury while fleeing;

  • Driving without a valid license including driving with a suspended or revoked license including driving with a suspended or revoked license;

  • Refusing to provide a license when requested by police;

  • Causing bodily injury with a vehicle after a license has been suspended or revoked;

  • Hit and run causing property damage, injury, or death (can also be charged as a felony);

  • Driving the wrong way on a divided highway (can also be charged as a felony);

  • Reckless driving, including reckless driving leading to bodily injury;

  • Engaging in a race with another vehicle on a public highway, including racing which leads to bodily injury;

  • Throwing any substance at another vehicle or vehicle occupant on a public highway;

  • Possession of alcohol in a vehicle by anyone under 21;

  • Possession of an open container of alcohol in a vehicle (if third or subsequent violation);

  • For individuals required to use ignition interlock devices: failure to install such a device within 30 days, or driving a vehicle without the device installed;

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (can also be charged as a felony).

It is possible for misdemeanor traffic violations to carry weighty consequences. Violations can carry fines of up to $10,000 and potential jail time anywhere from a few days to a year. The court may also tack on other penalties, like enrollment in a substance abuse treatment program or another program, victim restitution, suspension of the driver’s license, and probation.

Felony traffic offenses are the most severe type of traffic offenses and can carry the most severe consequences, including years in state prison.

Mr. Ticket Can Help You Can Fight a Misdemeanor Traffic Violation

If you are facing a misdemeanor traffic violation contact Mr. Ticket today to represent you!

Call us toll-free today to see how we can help you eliminate your traffic tickets and keep your insurance premiums from going up.